
MSL是法学硕士. The degree is innovative and versatile and meant for professionals who seek the benefits of advanced training in legal reasoning and analysis. The degree enhances many professions and is ideal for business executives, 企业家, 政策制定者, 人力资源和其他专业人士在今天的经济. With so many businesses and industries being impacted by constantly changing laws and regulations, having knowledge and training in legal analysis can be advantageous in dealing with those everyday law-related issues.


因为法律以这样或那样的方式与每个行业交叉, it is very likely there is some aspect of your current role that could be enhanced with a MSL degree. Our MSL degree can also open career opportunities by allowing you to pivot your career toward the legal aspects of your field. 例如, 在政府事务中工作的人可能会学习游说课程, 选举法, 以及法定解释. Individuals working with water and environmental issues may take courses in water resources law, 环境法律, 水和环境正义.


  • 审查并理解合同等协议
  • Review and draft proposed local, state, and federal laws and regulations
  • Understand and comply with regulatory requirements for specific industries
  • 与律师和合规官员合作


一般学生每学期要修六个单元. The general rule of thumb is that for every hour you spend in the “classroom,“你可以期待另一个1.额外学习5 - 3个小时.


学生必须修满26个学分. Please refer to the program’s curriculum web page for a complete list of required and elective courses.


The classes are taught by a combination of McGeorge’s full-time faculty members and highly qualified adjunct instructors. Many of the adjunct instructors are practitioners in the fields of water law and 环境法律. 我们鼓励您查看教师简历,并给我们发电子邮件 如果你想和麦乔治大学的教授联系.


An application containing the following items is required: Official transcripts for all universities and colleges that you have attended, 简历或简历, 个人陈述, 写作样本, 以及一封(必修的)或两封(首选的)推荐信. 有关更多信息,请参见MSL入学.


所有决定将通过电子邮件通知申请人. 如果你被录取了,一封正式的信件将附在电子邮件中.

If I am accepted, how much time will I have to decide whether to enroll or not?

应用程序s are accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis with a commitment required by April 1 (Fall start) or Nov. 1(春季开学). 越早申请, the longer span of time you will have to make a decision that will work best for you. If an applicant submits their application materials after these dates, they will have two weeks from the time a decision is rendered to pay a seat deposit and commit to the program. Extensions to this two-week rule may be granted on a case-by-case basis.


是的,学生可能有资格获得经济援助. 请正规博彩十大网站的财政援助办公室916.739.7158或 我们还为高素质的申请者提供院长奖学金.

Individuals who have earned educational benefits through the Veterans Administration can use their benefits at McGeorge. 你有责任向退伍军人管理局确认你的资格. McGeorge是100%的黄丝带配对机构.


申请人应与各自的雇主核实. 在帮助支付学费的公司中, some have a limit on the amount of tuition that can be covered in any given year. We encourage you to reach out to your Human Resources department to see if this benefit is available to you.


Students may begin the online program in either the Fall (August) or Spring (January) semester. The exact date that the academic terms begin varies from year to year so please reference the academic calendar.


An online orientation program is required for all program participants. Orientation will be available the week before the start of each semester.

在线课程是如何组织的? 他们是自学的吗??

Most courses within McGeorge online graduate programs are offered on a semester-long basis, 每周模块. 虽然形式可能因课程性质而异, in most courses students should expect to be assigned new topics each week, 通过相关阅读, 讲座, 讨论, 练习, 小测验, 以及其他互动活动. Individual topics that include a specific group of reading assignments, 讲座, 讨论, 练习被称为模块. Most courses will release new modules each Monday and allow one week for completion.

Within the weekly modules, most McGeorge online courses will be primarily asynchronous. This means that students do not necessarily need to be online at the same time, and will have the flexibility to complete module activities at a time convenient to their schedules, 只要他们完成了所分配的活动, 通常每周, 的最后期限. Some assignments, such as weekly 讨论, may have mid-week 的最后期限s. Some papers or projects may be assigned over several weeks or the course of a semester. 方便规划, all 的最后期限s will be announced in the syllabus prior to the beginning of a course.


Students need to have regular and reliable access to a computer and high-speed Internet. Note that mobile and tablet devices will not provide full access; students will need a laptop or desktop computer with a webcam.


今年夏天将有两套公寓上市. 其中一个单位将有一个可选的居住要求. 虽然这不是必需的, we highly recommend your participation in the option residential opportunity.


There is no requirement for an online student to come to our Sacramento campus. 然而, we highly recommend students to participate in the 1-unit hybrid summer course or come to campus for additional learning opportunities.


根据教育部的规定, 我们必须被授权在任何特定的州教育学生, therefore only students from pre-authorized states may participate in this program. 如果您所在的州不在下面的列表中, please send us an email so that we are aware of interest from your state, 以作规划用途. McGeorge法学院获得州授权的州:

亚利桑那州, 加州, 科罗拉多州, 康涅狄格, 佛罗里达, 夏威夷, 爱达荷州, 爱荷华州, 肯塔基州, 路易斯安那州, 缅因州, 麻萨诸塞州, 密西西比州, 蒙大拿, 内布拉斯加州, 内华达, 新汉普郡, 新泽西, 北卡罗莱纳, 北达科他, 俄亥俄州, 俄克拉何马州, 宾西法尼亚, 罗德岛州, 南卡罗来纳, 田纳西州, 德州, 犹他州, 佛蒙特州, 维吉尼亚州, 华盛顿, 西弗吉尼亚州和怀俄明州.


Yes – you are a part of our community and as such we invite (and encourage) you to participate in any way that is meaningful for you. Students will be alerted to opportunities to participate in on-campus events through live-streaming and similar technology. 如果你能参观校园, 我们很高兴为您提供校园参观, 把你介绍给全体教员, 与你专注领域的专业人士建立联系, 并参加学术和社会活动. If you are planning a visit, we encourage you to contact 研究生 法律 项目 at in advance so that we can help make your stay meaningful and rewarding.


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