发现 生物工程

生物工程的世界, 也被称为生物医学工程, has expanded immensely and continues to grow at a rapid pace, creating new opportunities for engineers who have knowledge of biological 科学s, 化学与物理系统. 

Students in the program explore biomechanical, bioelectrical, biotransport and biomaterial topics. Within the bioengineering program there is a specialized pathway that supports pre-health and pre-medical students as they complete the requirements for admission to professional programs. 在毕业后的几年内, graduates of the 生物工程 program are expected to be able to:

  • 应用 engineering solutions to biomedical, human health or biological changes
  • Engage in lifelong learning and pursue advanced level studies
  • Demonstrate ethical leadership, collaboration and communication skills in their profession

As a bioengineer, you can impact the quality of life of patients. Career options are wide-ranging and include medical re搜索, 医疗器械设计, 生物机器人甚至知识产权法.

生物工程(B).S.) program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of 教唆, http://www.ABET.org, under the commision's General Criteria and Program criteria for 生物工程 and Biomedical and Similarly Named Engineering 项目.


Jenny Vo traveled from Vietnam to California to study bioengineering at Pacific. She was attracted to Pacific because of the Cooperative Education program (CO-OP) and has since completed an eight-month internship at Abbott Laboratories, 在心力衰竭科研究医疗器械.  While she says she experienced culture shock when she first came to the U.S., Jenny says she now feels “at home” on campus and has found a tight-knit, 支持生物工程项目的社区.

生物工程 major Joaquin Gonzalez works on his senior project.

Joaquin Gonzalez is a senior bioengineering student graduating in Spring 2023. The personal connections he’s formed with professors and peers were highlights of his unique Pacific experience. 天生的领导者和利他主义者, Joaquin hopes to use his degree to design products that will help others and save lives. 


Students in the Department of 生物工程 benefit from cross-disciplinary collaboration during their undergraduate career, particularly with Pacific’s renowned health 科学 programs in pharmacy, 牙科, 物理治疗, 语言语音病理学, 听力学和医师助理研究. Our students’ ability to explore courses in the medical disciplines will support their preparation for working within the medical arena.


All bioengineering students are encouraged to engage in professional development experiences outside the classroom.  这可能包括7个月, 带薪CO-OP在工业界工作,平均收入3美元,每月700元. This professional experience allows students to explore potential career paths while also developing skills necessary to compete in the global job market after graduation. 


完成学位后, graduates of bioengineering are equipped with the competency, adaptability and hands-on experience needed to enter the global workforce or a postgraduate program. 根据美国劳工统计局的数据, 生物工程师的平均工资是97美元,2021年每年410美元.




在毕业后的几年内, graduates of the 生物工程 program are expected to be able to:

  • 应用 engineering solutions to biomedical, human health, or biological problems
  • Engage in life-long learning and pursue advanced level studies  
  • Demonstrate leadership, collaboration, and communication skills in their profession



  1. 识别能力, 制定, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, 科学, 和数学
  2. an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, 安全, 和福利, 以及全球, 文化, 社会, 环境, 经济因素
  3. an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
  4. an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, 经济, 环境, 以及社会背景
  5. an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, 创造一个协作和包容的环境, 建立目标, 计划任务, 达到目标
  6. an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, 分析和解释数据, 并运用工程判断得出结论
  7. an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies

生物工程 本科 Enrollment and Degrees Awarded



Engineering and 计算机科学 奖学金 Application Instructions


  • 访问 http://pacific.academicworks.com
  • 使用您的太平洋网ID和密码登录
  • 完成一般申请
  • 完成有条件SOECS申请
  • Choose "应用" for any recommended scholarship opportunities based on your responses and academic profile.  Please read the scholarship criteria carefully to confirm that you are qualified BEFORE you apply.
  • 你需要上传一份非正式成绩单.



奖学金名称 资格标准
Maryam H. 达什提捐赠奖学金 以业绩为基础的; first preference for a student from Kuwait; second preference for a student from Gulf States Region; third preference for international student
B.G. 格伦·A·戈达德老兵奖学金 以业绩为基础的, 目前在预备役部队服役, honorably discharged veteran or participant in ROTC program.
罗伯特·L. 海伯恩奖学金 择优录取,全日制本科生,最少3名.平均绩点0,大三/大四优先
乔治和苏施罗德捐赠奖学金 本科工程学院 & 计算机科学专业,3级以上.2平均绩点
保罗米. 森西堡工程捐赠奖学金 以业绩为基础的, preference for students who have graduated or transferred from San Joaquin County 学校
路易斯·斯塔克授予女工程师奖学金 Need-Based, 本科 Female, Good Academic Standing, minimum 2.5平均绩点



奖学金名称 资格标准
Hamma基金正规博彩十大网站排名(由院长办公室管理) 以业绩为基础的, last two semesters of Undergrad Program with the goal of enrolling in Master's Program at Pacific, Member of Tau Beta Pi (Award covers 1 fiscal year of graduate school, 包括书籍)
少数民族工程奖学金 Need-Based, Preference for African American or other underrepresented ethnicities
爱德华·E. Whitacre Jr. 捐赠奖学金 全日制工程专业,至少3门.0的绩点


209.946.3178 ljohnston@elisehutley.com
