Admissions Requirements & Prerequisites

Predental College Years: 一般最低要求是三年的本科课程(90个学期或135个季度).

Though we do not require a bachelor’s degree to apply, 强烈建议有一个,使应用程序更具竞争力.

The following prerequisite courses represent the minimum requirements for both semester and quarter system-based universities:

Biological Sciences* (with laboratory)

4 semesters or 6 quarters

Inorganic Chemistry (with laboratory)

2 semesters or 3 quarters

Organic Chemistry (with laboratory)

2 semesters or 3 quarters

Physics (with laboratory)

2 semesters or 3 quarters

English, Speech, or Communication**

2 semesters or 3 quarters


**One course in composition or technical writing is required. 其他课程应培养书面或口头沟通能力. 英语作为第二语言(ESL)课程不符合这一要求.

Highly Recommended Coursework可以被计入生物科学的预修课程吗.

  • 解剖学
  • Physiology
  • Microbiology
  • Biochemistry
  • Histology/Cell Biology

Community College Work: 如果在社区大学修的课程可以与四年制大学的预科课程等效,那么这些课程是可以接受的. 

Letters of Recommendation: We require three letters of recommendation.

其中两封信必须来自科学教授,另一封信应该来自你自己选择的人.g., dentist, re搜索, or work manager/supervisor). 如果你的本科院校有健康前咨询委员会, a committee evaluation is recommended as an alternative.

Grade Point Average (GPA): Your overall and science GPA, the schools attended, 课程负担的难度都是根据个人情况来评估的.

牙科 Admissions Test (DAT): 优先考虑在每个周期的11月之前提供牙科入学考试成绩的学生. 委员会将只审查申请中最近的DAT分数.

For the 2023-2024 cycle, DATs taken before June of 2021 will not be accepted, 并且需要重新参加考试才能被考虑录取.

有关DAT的更多信息或如何安排考试的说明,请访问 American 牙科 Association (ADA) website.

University of the Pacific Pre-牙科 / Advantage Students: 入学要求和先决条件取决于你所参加的课程. 详细信息请咨询您的牙科前/斯托克顿顾问.

Supplementary Application Fee: 不需要补充申请,但需要支付75美元的附加费.


如果没有支付75美元的附加费,我们无法审核任何提交的申请. 申请人有责任确保在截止日期前提交此费用.

Link is provided when you submit your AADSAS application, or you can access the link here.

牙科 Shadowing Experience: 最少40小时(最少时间必须由普通牙医完成).

牙科助理经验不能算在实习经验中. AADSAS申请中有一个部分要求填写“牙科经验”,” where 牙科 Assisting can be listed.

Re搜索 Experience — Practical or Theory: 研究经验不是必需的,但强烈建议.

Technical Standards: Students must demonstrate ability to meet technical standards for advancement through and graduation from the DDS program

Experiences: AADSAS应用程序的体验部分分为几个类别. 有关本节AADSAS的详细信息以及有关应考虑向应用程序添加哪些内容的更多信息, you can visit ADEA网站的辅助资料部分.

Additional Admissions Information

Transfer Students/Advanced Standing: 只有在不寻常和令人信服的情况下,亚瑟A. Dugoni School of Dentistry accept transfer 学生. 牙科教育项目的不兼容性阻碍了从另一所学校到我们项目的过渡. 要求这样分类的学生通常会从一年级的班级入学. 任何学生在第二年之后都不会被录取为高级学生. Special action regarding transfers is required.

健康 Requirements, Medical and Disability Insurance: Should you be offered acceptance to the program, prior to matriculation, health requirements must be met, and documentation submitted to the Admissions Office, as follows:

  • Medical Examination: Submit our school's "健康 Requirement Examination Form,"由卫生保健提供者签署,确认在入学之日起6个月内完成了体检.
  • Measles, Rubella (German Measles) and Mumps: 记录接种减毒活麻疹疫苗(2种疫苗), Mumps and Rubella (MMR) virus is adequate. 麻疹和风疹作为儿童疾病的病史是不够的. 如果没有证明文件,血液检查表明免疫就足够了.
  • Tuberculosis: Submit the report of a 2-step Mantoux tuberculosis skin test. (Commonly referred to as PPD) within 6 months of matriculation. With a history of tuberculosis OR a positive skin test, 提交提供者在入学前6个月内拍摄的胸部x光片报告. 可能需要隔一段时间进行胸部x光检查,并可能建议使用抑制药物.
  • Hepatitis B: 每个牙科学生都必须提交乙型肝炎病毒抗体存在的证明文件,并完成乙型肝炎疫苗接种系列. It is recommended that this be done prior to matriculation; in all cases, 然而, it must be done before a student is allowed to treat patients. 如果学生没有文件证明有这种病毒的抗体, 我们的牙科学校收费提供一系列疫苗接种.
  • COVID-19: 所有Dugoni学校的学生都必须遵守免疫接种要求. 为保障病人的健康和福祉,制定了免疫接种要求, 学生, and all healthcare workers. 注意:需要使用fda批准的疫苗接种针对SARS-COV2 (COVID-19)的全面疫苗.

Medical and Disability Insurance: 所有入学的学生和居民都参加由亚瑟A选择的强制性医疗保险和残疾保险计划. Dugoni School of Dentistry. 除非目前的健康保险证明是根据大学的规定提供的, no one shall be exempt from the mandatory health insurance. Insurance premiums are assessed with tuition and other fees.

Reservation of Powers: The Arthur A. Dugoni牙科学院保留随时修改或更改入学标准或要求的权利,恕不另行通知. 执行招生委员会保留推翻教师面试官提出的录取建议的权利. 本网站的信息不应被视为学生和牙科学校之间的有约束力的合同.