March 4, 2021

Dear Pacific students, faculty 和 staff:

Amazingly, 就像美国的许多高等教育一样,正规博彩十大网站(University of the Pacific)的学习方式转型一周年即将到来, 从我们的正规博彩十大网站到大部分偏远的环境进行教学和工作. Despite the unprecedented health, social, cultural, 在这一困难时期,COVID-19带来了资金和技术挑战, 太平洋成功地延续了我们的使命,即在最高水平上培养和发展下一代领导人. 这要归功于你们所有人——我们才华横溢、勤奋努力的学生们——的非凡努力, our passionate 和 creative faculty 和 our selfless 和 tireless staff. As we have faced these previously unimaginable obstacles, Pacific is stronger than ever because of you. We are, indeed, Pacific Proud. Thank you for all you have done 和 continue to do.


Now, we can finally see light at the end of this dark tunnel. 自11周前首次接种新冠病毒疫苗以来,美国15%的人感染了新冠病毒.S. population has received these life-saving shots. 更多的 than 1.7 million shots are being administered each day, 随着州和地方政府以及医疗保健公司完善配送流程,这一速度还在继续加快. Here at Pacific, 感谢教务长玛丽亚·帕拉维奇尼和太平洋COVID理事会的领导, our university has vaccinated several thous和 Pacificans already, including our front-line health care workers, first-responders, clinical-based faculty 和 health professional students, 和 colleagues 65 和 over, in accordance with guidelines from our counties. 我们现在已经开始为太平洋地区的员工接种疫苗,他们被要求到斯托克顿和旧金山校区报到, 我们正在与萨克拉门托县的卫生官员合作,在萨克拉门托校区开展同样的工作. 我们将继续为所有正规博彩十大网站的所有社区成员争取尽可能多的疫苗.

与此同时,我们三个社区的COVID-19发病率继续稳步下降. COVID rates are back to where they were in June, 在夏季和冬季初经历了主要的高峰之前. 我们将继续密切关注这些趋势,但目前它们非常令人鼓舞. You can monitor the county-based COVID dashboards at San Joaquin CountySacramento County 和 San Francisco County. 您还可以在我们的综合网站上了解我们正规博彩十大网站的COVID具体情况 Pacific COVID Dashboard.

鉴于2021年前几周在疫苗和冠状病毒发病率方面取得的巨大进展, 我们现在有信心,到秋季学期开始时,我们将能够重新开放我们的正规博彩十大网站. That means most courses will return to our physical classrooms, 实验室, clinics 和 studios, students will return to our residence halls, 和 most of our services, co-curricular activities 和 events will be reinstated to being in-person.

Of course, as we have all learned, COVID-19 can be cruelly unpredictable, 因此,我们将继续密切关注趋势,并遵循联邦政府的科学和监管指导, state 和 county health experts. We will be ready for any contingency. Additionally, we will resist the temptation of opening too soon. We will remain in our current, 主要是远程学习和工作环境在春季学期,并将在夏季决定,因为我们接近. As always, our decision-making will be predicated on science, facts 和 the health 和 welfare of our Pacific community. When we do return, we will do so with the appropriate safeguards in place.

While the physical 和 mental health of our students, faculty 和 staff is our top priority, 我们也一直高度关注本机构的财务状况. Universities nationwide have been hit hard financially by the p和emic. The Chronicle of Higher Education estimates that COVID-19 has cost U.S. higher education $183 billion in added health, safety 和 technology costs 和 revenue lost from housing, 餐厅, tuition, fees 和 other sources.

Our financial condition at Pacific, however, is much stronger than many U.S. 学院和大学,因为我们的教职员工的卓越努力,以保持招生强劲,因为他们做出了非常真实的个人牺牲. 所有太平洋员工放弃了整个财政年度(7月1日至6月30日)的全部大学退休金,以减轻对我们学生的财务影响. Furthermore, 为了节省成本而冻结招聘,工作人员承担了额外的工作量, many faculty have taught additional classes, 一些员工减少了工作时间,一些顶尖大学的高管一年都在减薪. 教职员工做出的这些非常真实和个人的牺牲,再加上全校采取的其他削减成本的措施,使我们能够将学生及其家庭的负担降到最低, allowing us to cap tuition increases for next year to a maximum of 2.5 percent – the lowest percent increase of undergraduate tuition at Pacific in more than 50 years. Similarly, room 和 board increases were kept to an average of 2.4 percent. And there will be no increases to any fees. At the same time, 我们知道,即使这些增长也会对受到COVID严重打击的学生及其家庭产生不利影响. 这就是为什么正规博彩十大网站成立了一个基金,以帮助缓解新学年财务环境的变化. Students can learn more by visiting

Finally, a word about our summer plans. 本着我们安全负责的精神,回到我们的校园, 我们目前的计划是为本科生和研究生在夏季I和夏季II提供一套强大的全在线课程. 而太平洋的学习经验是基于面对面的教学和学习, 我们知道大多数学生在暑假期间都不在学校. 我们希望这些在线课程将为学生在攻读学位的过程中提供更多的灵活性. But we also hope to have a very different Summer Session III experience. If conditions allow, 我们计划邀请学生尽早回到斯托克顿校区(从7月19日开始),在整个夏季III中联系并参与学术和课外活动. 我们认为这对我们即将升入大学二年级的学生来说是一个特别重要的机会, who have yet to experience on-campus living 和 learning. 但是我们也会邀请我们的归国学生和新生, 谁可能想在他们的学习和正规博彩十大网站的经历中获得一个良好的开端-特别是因为他们中的大多数人不得不在与朋友和同学隔绝的情况下度过16个月的生活和学习. 我们的财政援助办公室正在为经济上符合条件的本科生和研究生提供特别资金,以帮助支付夏季III的学费和住房费用. As with our Fall semester plans, 我们的第三个夏季办法将以最新的科学和健康准则以及疫苗接种率为依据.

As always, please reach out if you have any questions. 如果可能的话,试着参加我们与卡拉汉总统的定期对话.

Thank you all. And, please, get your vaccination as soon as you are eligible!

Stay well. Stay safe. And Go Tigers!



Christopher Callahan
