
埃伯哈特商学院培养学生的领导能力和创新精神. As a small business school with a global orientation, 埃伯哈特学院在我们最先进的设施中提供高度互动的课程和专业的职业发展机会. 工商管理理学士侧重于现代商业世界的研究, and prepares students for leadership in their professional careers. 


太平洋工商管理专业的学生受益于与敬业、热情的教授的密切工作关系. 我们杰出的教职员工坚定地从事行业,为学生提供体验式学习的绝佳机会.

就像我们所有的节目一样, 学生获得实践, hands-on experience through class consulting, 实习, and career development projects that team students with senior business executives.


Students in the Business Administration program select one of the following majors:


Bachelor of Science in Business Administration



工作和职业正在迅速变化. 组织如何实现目标的最令人兴奋和最具活力的方面之一是在管理人员方面, 资源, and processes in order to maximize performance. 远程办公的快速发展, 领导力发展, 产品和项目管理, 社交媒体, 和大数据为对管理和人力资源领域感兴趣的学生带来了令人兴奋的机会.

*根据美国最近的一份报告.S. 劳工统计局

体验式学习提供身临其境的体验,培养学生的专业技能和网络,作为他们职业生涯的桥梁. Pacific 管理及人力资源 students gain experiential learning through 实习, 案例竞赛, and immersive class assignments with business organizations. 例如, 一些课程提供“现场”案例研究,来自行业的客座演讲者提出他们面临的实际问题,并在课堂上征求学生的建议. 该专业的另一门课程为学生提供了实际的机会来发展他们的教练技能. 最近的一个人力资源管理课程帮助斯托克顿的一家小企业为他们的组织制作了一本电子员工手册.

管理及人力资源 majors also have the opportunity to volunteer for events, 参观公司并与校友建立联系.


“在正规博彩十大网站的四年里,我获得了工商管理学士学位,主修商业法、管理和人力资源, 同时还是一名全职学生运动员. Now working for one of LA’s fastest-growing startups, 我能够运用这些技能, 知识, 以及我在正规博彩十大网站期间获得的信心,以及与让我来到这里的教授保持关系.”


管理和人力资源学生协会(MHRSA)是太平洋地区对管理和人力资源(HR)领域感兴趣的学生的组织。. MHRSA通过学生活动和专业网络帮助学生积极参与管理领域.

In recent years, MHRSA has visited 谷歌, Facebook, Tesla, Uber, and LinkedIn. MHRSA has sponsored workshops on topics such as employable skills, 在HR工作, 还有礼仪晚宴. 最后, 管理与人力资源专业的学生与来自西海岸其他15所大学的学生参加了案例比赛. In recent years our students have received awards for earning the 1st Runner Up spot twice.



主修市场营销管理, you will learn how to conduct effective market re搜索 and analyze data, manage promotional activities and formulate brand strategies, use consumer behavior theories to better connect with consumers, create new products from idea formation to execution, and formulate effective digital communication strategies. 您将在解决实际业务问题的同时,通过体验式项目提高您的团队合作和领导能力. 

亚历克斯Gerberick, 17岁

I applied for countless 实习 to get experience under my belt before graduation. With guidance from the ESB 职业生涯管理中心, I narrowed my 搜索 to boutique wineries in my hometown, landing an internship that became a full-time role after graduation. 我在正规博彩十大网站的学习, 与教员的关系, 第一份工作, 再加上很多艰苦的工作, 让我找到了我梦寐以求的工作——达克霍恩投资组合(Duckhorn Portfolio)的高级营销协调员——这是美国排名第一的豪华葡萄酒公司.”


在…的帮助下 Eberhardt职业管理中心, 市场营销管理专业的学生将在位于中央山谷的各个行业的公司中竞争获得实习机会, 旧金山湾区, 和硅谷. Our students have gone on to marketing careers at global companies such as Starbucks, Gallo, 和高乐氏(Clorox. 许多人也开始了自己的事业.


  • ADP 
  • Airgas
  • 好事达
  • Appnext
  • 阿拉贡的研究
  • 银行家们的生活
  • 巴洛卡斯公共关系
  • Duckhorn葡萄园
  • 闪点公关
  • 福莱希尔
  • 加洛销售公司
  • 谷歌
  • 加州霍尔特
  • Intel
  • Kaiser Permanente
  • 刘易斯全球通信公司
  • Numerify
  • 奥克兰突击者
  • 太平洋建设
  • 百事可乐/ Frito-LayPowerschool组
  • 圣地亚哥军团 
  • 圣华金RTD
  • SAP Labs - Innovation Center Silicon Valley
  • 南部的葡萄酒 & 精神
  • 第十街帽子
  • 旅行者
  • 伍德乐夫索耶
  • Workbridge同事
  • Zuora


主修金融, you will learn topics about financial planning, 投资银行, 国际金融, 以及财务管理, as well as behavioral finance and social responsible investment at the forefront of finance. 您将获得使用WRDS(沃顿研究数据服务)和彭博社等行业工具分析公司财务战略以及股票基本价值的实践经验. You will also have the opportunity to attend GAME (Global Asset Management Education) Forum, where you will interact with industry leaders and learn best practices in investment management. No matter which area of finance you are interested in, we provide you with a comprehensive toolkit based on solid theoretical and analytical training.

对拥有金融学位的专业人士的需求正在上升,最高的估计是大约 15% 相比之下 4% GDP增长率.

Mandeep Chhabra
Mandeep Chhabra ' 20

“In my four years at UOP I earned both a BS in Applied Economics and BS in 金融. During this time, I had the privilege of serving as an executive for our 学生投资基金. 管理着一笔近400万美元的投资基金,这使我具备了在一家财富500强公司(高乐氏)担任金融分析师的职业生涯所需的技术技能和信心。.”


Pacific 金融 students gain experiential learning through managing more than $3.七百万学生投资基金, in addition to required 实习 and a 金融 study abroad program. 在Eberhardt SIF中, 学生做研究和评估, 写报告, and make choices regarding where and how to invest the fund's money. This is not a virtual investment or portfolio; this is real money and real investments. Students also have the opportunity to volunteer for events, 访问公司, and network with alumni throughout their time in the 金融 major.


体育运动管理 & 分析

埃伯哈特商学院的体育管理和分析专业为学生在这个充满活力的商业环境中取得成功做好了准备. 该课程是根据体育管理认证委员会制定的三个原则而发展的, strategies used by practitioners in the field, and the emerging re搜索 by Pacific’s faculty.

每个星期, 数以百万计的球迷参加了专业比赛, college and amateur sporting events across the country. The Super Bowl, Olympics, and World Cup are consistently the most-watched events on television. North American sports revenues are estimated to top $75 billion in 2020.

Sport also is an industry on the cutting edge of change and innovation. Teams in 搜索 of a competitive edge are pioneering the use of data analysis. Leagues are leveraging integrated marketing technologies to attract and retain fans. Manufacturers continuously develop new equipment to improve sport performance and safety.

Transfer student finds path to career in sports at Pacific

"Choosing Pacific turned out to be the best decision ever. 我的教授对体育产业的最新趋势非常了解,并要求每个学生将我们在课堂上学到的知识应用到专业环境中. 在加州, there are not many undergraduate sport management programs, 所以我们很幸运."


作为唯一的aacsb认证的商学院在NCAA一级在加州与体育管理专业, Pacific provides a contemporary curriculum and multiple experiential learning opportunities.


商业分析是一个令人兴奋的跨学科领域,它解决了如何利用信息技术来帮助我们这个数据日益丰富的世界中的组织. Eberhardt商学院(ESB)的业务分析课程侧重于工具和方法. It combines theory and applications with real-world projects and industry data.

主修商业分析, you will learn topics about data management, 数据分析理论与方法, 高级分析工具. You will solve hands-on business problems in the 业务分析 laboratory. 我们也鼓励你选择一个重点领域(会计、金融、市场营销、管理等).) to conduct in-depth or industry-specific analysis.

Arooj Rizvi ' 21

“我选择把我的研究重点放在商业分析领域,这样我就可以用数据来分析趋势,并制定解决方案,以帮助改善斯托克顿社区. 我正在学习如何使用Excel和其他工具将数字转化为每个人都能使用和理解的信息. To prepare for my career, I have joined the business fraternity, Delta Sigma Pi, and Rotaract. In both organizations, I am fine tuning my skills so that I can lead teams to make a difference. This community has given so much to me, and it's my turn to give back.”

Arooj Rizvi


