

I am delighted to update you on our progress on diversity, 公平与包容 (DEI) initiatives since my last 季度报告, part of our new DEI mission and goals articulated in the original August 2020 communication. Thank you to the many Pacific students, 教师, staff and leaders who have made these advances possible.

Inaugural Vice 总统 for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion:
我们的遴选委员会, led by Dean Rae Matsumoto, 不知疲倦地寻找和审查太平洋公司首任多元化副总裁的优秀候选人, Equity and Inclusion (VPDEI). 我们希望很快发布一个公告,大学社区已经有机会与我们的三位优秀入围者共度时光并提供反馈. I am indebted to the great work of the 搜索 team. When you have a chance, please thank our colleagues who served: 

  • Elisa Anders, associate provost 
  • 朗达·布莱恩特,负责学生福利的副校长兼学生事务主任 
  • Martin Camps, professor, College of the Pacific 
  • Glena Carroll ’77, Amplify Voices, alumni representative 
  • Aquila Galgon, executive director, 金融援助 
  • Laura Hallberg, assistant dean, assistant professor, Benerd College 
  • Randi Holguin, president, ASuop 
  • Michael Hunter Schwartz, dean, McGeorge School of 法律 
  • Sacha Joseph-Mathews, associate professor, Eberhardt School of Business 
  • JuEun Lee, associate professor, School of Engineering and Computer Science 
  • Semaj Martin, student representative 
  • Nader Nadershahi, dean, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry 
  • Leonard Perry, associate head coach, Men’s Basketball 
  • Deadrin Peyton, administrative assistant, Department of Psychology 
  • Madhu Sundarrajan, assistant professor, School of Health Sciences

DEI Leads at Each School and College:
我们现在在我们的每所学校和学院都有一个指定的DEI领导者:太平洋地区一些最优秀和最聪明的人的奇妙组合. These leaders will collaborate with 教师, 工作人员和院长在他们的学校内推动DEI倡议,并将与我们新的VPDEI在全校范围内的倡议密切合作. Learn more about our DEI leads and their most recent work.

Thanks to many of your efforts, 我们度过了一个非常丰富而有意义的黑人历史月(我个人觉得和“无罪5”的两名成员在一起的那个晚上特别有影响力)。. There are so many Pacificans who played a role in 上个月’s events, 但我想特别感谢我们的领导人——黑人历史月委员会的联合主席太平洋科技公司的兰德尔·奥根斯和高级Semaj Martin. 该委员会与学校的许多其他领导和组织合作, including Alpha Phi Omega, American Society of Civil Engineers, National Society of Black Engineers, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, Society of Women Engineers, ASuop, 黑人学生会, Diversity Week Committee, departments of Ethnic Studies and 历史, Intercultural Student Success, McGeorge JD 入学s, Pacific 校友 Association, Pacific Arts and Lectures Committee, 太平洋技术, University Committee for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (UCDEI) and White Coats 4 Black Lives. 谢谢大家! You can see some of the Black 历史 Month events at http://calendar.太平洋.edu/group/Blackhistorymonth.

The Department of Human Resources, working closely with the UCDEI, 设计并分发了经修订的绩效评估工具给员工主管(在萨克拉门托和斯托克顿校区),现在包括DEI评估. Supervisors can find the new form under the Management Resources page under the Supervisors tab of insidePacific. 与此同时, 黛博拉·弗里曼, director of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity, 就如何衡量和改善太平洋地区劳动力的多样性向内阁提交了她的第二份季度报告. 副总统们还对去年本部门的每次离职面谈调查进行了全面审查,并向内阁报告.

正规博彩十大网站校董会新成立的卓越委员会创建了一个门户网站,与所有校董会共享DEI资源. 委员会还主持了一个两小时的DEI培训课程,并与卡尔顿·布朗进行了对话, former president of Savannah State University and Clark Atlanta University. Dr. 布朗领导着管理委员会协会的正义、多样性、公平和包容倡议. 与此同时, the Committee on Regents, working with Board Chair Norman Allen and me, 继续从代表性不足的群体中寻找潜在的新董事.


Discrimination Policy:
一群学生, 教职员工, led by Title IX Coordinator Elizabeth Trayner, 即将起草一份禁止基于身份的骚扰的大学新政策, discrimination and retaliation. That draft will be reviewed by the University Policy Advisory Committee. 审查完成后,将与整个校园社区分享以征求公众意见.

安全与安保执行主任格兰特·贝德福德(Grant Bedford)会见了ASuop领导层,讨论了公共安全部采取的新的DEI措施. 新闻部还为雇员举办了互动讲习班,内容包括干预危机的文化能力, 降级, wellness and the complaint process, 并将举行两场关于社会正义和执法部门的DEI的社区对话.


The Office of Development reports more than $100,000 has been raised in total for the new Lift Every Voice Endowed 奖学金, led by Board Chair Allen. 除了, new scholarships have been established to increase student diversity, 其中包括346美元,000 for Asian immigrant undergraduate students, $100,000 for Hispanic students enrolled in the Thomas J. Long School of 药店 and $50,在埃伯哈特商学院(Eberhardt School of Business)或工程与计算机科学学院(School of Engineering and Computer Science)注册的西班牙裔学生可以获得5000美元. SOECS还获得了5万美元的新资金,用于加强学校的DEI倡议. 

During the first half of spring semester, the Division of 学生生活 hosted three programs in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 周五,支持第一代学生的会议讨论了心理健康问题, the FAFSA and a “First Gen” panel from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 与此同时, 认为自己是特定身份社区成员的学生会接到跨文化学生成功工作人员的私人电话. By the end of 2020, more than 2,500 students were contacted. The phone calls are continuing this semester.

大学图书馆启动了对图书馆和艺术收藏的DEI审计计划. Student interns have been hired to assist in the analysis. The goal is to analyze 4,000个标题和, thanks to a grant from the UCDEI, 购买10美元,000 worth of new titles to start. An update was provided at the annual Assessment Conference 上个月. 该项目也将成为4月20日星期二研究报告的主题.

University Committee for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (UCDEI):
除了 to UCDEI members working on many of the projects outlined above, 该委员会还与大学评估委员会合作,制定将DEI纳入课程的标准,并与通识教育委员会合作,帮助评估和批准符合DEI要求的课程. 加州大学圣迭戈分校和通用电气的教职员工将共同制定评估计划,探索如何扩大多样性, Equity and Inclusion in the GE program.

与此同时, UCDEI的出色工作继续在社交媒体渠道上被放大,增加了 @太平洋_dei on Twitter and a new social campaigns (#LetsMoveMonday and #WhatsInaWordWednesday). UCDEI还重新设想了其社会正义系列,转向了TEDx演讲式的小组讨论. And UCDEI leaders Qingwen Dong, 玛莎·普拉特和克里斯蒂安·卡多纳在本周的全国高等教育多元化官员协会会议上录制了一段录音, “通过对话促进dei概念和行动: 正规博彩十大网站个案研究”.”

我为我们的太平洋社区和这些努力感到骄傲,这些努力使我们的大学成为一个更具包容性和关怀的机构,并成为一个多元化的国家典范, 公平与包容. Thank you for all of your tremendous efforts. And stay tuned for our VPDEI announcement!

